Anderson Hotel in Kentucky Shuts Down Investigations After Paranormal Craziness

It's so dangerous, paranormal researchers are no longer allowed to work there.


In the small town of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky is an old inn known as the Anderson Hotel. Though it has been closed for decades, it is apparently home to numerous apparitions—some friendlier than others. In fact, the paranormal activity at the Anderson is so severe, researchers are no longer allowed to go inside.

Some investigators claim to have been bitten repeatedly by unseen forces. On an episode of Paranormal Lockdown (Season 1, Episode 2), bite marks and scratches suddenly materialized on a cameraman’s side.

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The Anderson possesses a dark and sordid history. Its rooms were plagued by drug use, prostitution, and unnatural deaths throughout the 1980s. According to the team at Week in Weird—who have conducted their own investigations at the hotel—at least three suicides occurred at the Anderson. That same air of darkness hangs over the building to this day.

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In one room, there sat a disused mattress stained with a dark and rusty substance. Investigators believed the staining to be blood, allegedly from one of the Anderson’s tragic suicides. In the same room, the investigators say they saw horrible things, including creatures dragging themselves along the floor.

It gets worse. The Week in Weird investigators discovered a plank of wood covered in mysterious writing. They dubbed this artifact the Summoning Tablet and believe it may be related to the intense and, at times, violent phenomena at the Anderson. Then of course there are those scratches and bite marks, which were experienced by the PA team and the Week in Weird crew.

Numerous ghost hunters have traveled to Lawrenceburg in the wake of the Paranormal Lockdown episode, each hoping to encounter the Anderson’s resident spirits. Demand grew so high in fact—and reports of encounters were so extreme—that something had to be done. Eventually, the building’s owners completely shuttered the hotel, turning away curious investigators.

Did these individuals simply see what they wanted to see upon entering the hotel’s darkened halls, or is the Anderson truly haunted by its troubled past? Whatever the case, the Anderson Hotel of Lawrenceburg, Kentucky is now too dangerous for paranormal investigations. It doesn’t get much scarier than that.