Stephanie Sendaula joined LibraryLinkNJ in 2022. She was previously an editor at Library Journal, and also worked as a reference librarian at public libraries in NJ. As a librarian and writer, she is especially passionate about the intersection of social justice and LIS, and has coordinated webinars and continuing education workshops on best practices in making the library a more equitable and inclusive space. She received her M.L.I.S. from Drexel University and her B.A. from Temple University. When she’s not working, she enjoys baking, cooking, and gardening—and will always have a cookbook recommendation to share.
Evil can lurk anywhere, why not at home?
What are the family secrets?
If these walls could talk…
The vultures are watching…
The power of possession compels you.
Some books get under your skin—and stay there.
Horror and comedy make strangely comforting bedfellows.
The literary impact of these beloved monsters isn’t dead—even though most are undead…
How horror helps us cope.