How to Determine If You’re Under the Power of Evil Magic Using an Egg

Don't crack.

evil egg
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  • Photo Credit: Tara Elizabeth / Flickr (CC)

It is not always easy to determine whether or not you’ve fallen under the spell of dark magic. Regardless of your own personal beliefs and practices, the casting of spells is something that’s taken place among a wide variety of cultures throughout history, and it’s important to have a base understanding of how to guard yourself against malevolence.

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Within the Hoodoo and Voodoo communities there is a simple technique that can be used to determine if you’ve had a spell, or some other form of negative energy, put upon you, and the only thing you’ll need for it is an egg from your refrigerator.

Follow these steps:

1. Fill a clean, clear bowl with blessed water and say a prayer to the deity of your choosing to help you find the truth.

2. Take an egg from the fridge and say another prayer that the egg you’re holding will absorb any negative energy.

3. Place the egg on the top of your head and roll it from there to the back of your head, down your neck, around the center of your back, and to your chest, all while focusing on the egg absorbing any negative energy.

4. Once the above steps are completed, break the egg and empty its contents inside the bowl of water you’ve prepared. Take notice of any strange patterns or irregularities.

According to this technique if the smell of the egg you’ve just cracked is bad, or if the water appears clouded, then you are under the influence of a dark spell, curse, or are holding on to negative energy from some other means. If the egg yolk takes the shape of an eye, that suggests you’ve been affected by “the evil eye.” If the water the yolk was poured into bubbles, that indicates negative energy has been absorbed by external forces and your guardian spirits are already working towards healing you.

Featured photo: Tara Elizabeth / Flickr (CC)

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