5 Unbelievably Creepy Haunted Locations in Vermont to Terrify You

Vermont boasts maple syrup, snow sports, and more unsettled spirits than you can handle.

The University of Vermont
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  • Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Some know Vermont for its scenic mountains. Others celebrate it as the birthplace of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

But whether you're brought there by wanderlust or your sweet tooth, don't believe the reports about it being the second least populous state in the country. After all, no one has been counting its ghosts in the census.

From historic museums to creepy college campuses, the Green Mountain State has terrors waiting in every corner. Here are five of the most haunted places in Vermont!

Shelburne Museum (Shelburne, Vermont)

The Dutton House at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont.
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  • The Dutton House at the Shelburne Museum in Shelburne, Vermont.

    Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Sprawling across 45 acres, the Shelburne Museum is a must-see for any history buff. But if you're a history buff who also loves the paranormal, this stop should be the first on your list! Besides a wealth of antiques and art, the museum is said to be one of the most haunted places in Vermont.

Rather than one giant building, this museum is actually a complex made up of several buildings. 39 of these buildings are actually historic, and many have been relocated from other areas, bringing in bits of history (and ghosts) beyond just the Shelburne locale.

The most notable haunted building on the property is the Dutton House. Built back in 1782 in Cavendish, Vermont, the home was moved to the museum in 1950.

During its time of operation, it served as a store, an inn, a boarding house, and a tavern. At least 11 people died within its walls, and before it was brought to Shelburne it sat abandoned for 40 years.

Museum staff claim a variety of odd happenings here, including hearing the cries of a child in the shadows and seeing the apparition of an old man taking a stroll around the house. Odd noises are said to generate from the empty building during the museum's off-season.

Emily's Bridge (Stowe, Vermont)

Emily's Bridge in Stowe, Vermont
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  • Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

An interesting historical fact about Stowe is that it's home to the Trapp Family Lodge, where one of the von Trapp children lived out their days after their escape from Europe.

For those with different tastes, Stowe also boasts a paranormal hotspot in Emily's Bridge.

Also known as Gold Brook Bridge, this haunted structure is said to be haunted by the heartbroken spirit of a woman named Emily. While no official report of her death exists, it's said that she died by either driving her carriage off the bridge or by hanging herself from it.

Those who pay a visit to the bridge claim that their cars have scratches across the paint. Some even say they get scratches on their body and report the sensation of being grabbed at.

Emily's ghost is especially hostile toward men who visit the bridge, taking out her heartache on them in place of the lover who jilted her.

The Equinox Golf Resort & Spa (Manchester, Vermont)

You'll be hard-pressed to find a haunted location in Vermont with a ghost more famous than the one frequenting the Equinox Golf Resort & Spa. While a handful of presidents have paid a visit to this Manchester hotel, it's a first lady that has lingered behind—Mary Todd Lincoln, to be exact.

This beautiful resort was built in 1769, and Mary visited for the first time in the summer of 1864. She immediately fell in love with the resort and the area and made reservations to return the following year, this time with her husband in tow.

The resort was so excited about these plans they even constructed a special suite just to welcome them. Unfortunately, Mary never got to visit with Abraham, as he was assassinated on April 14th, 1865.

Guests and employees alike have reported seeing the apparition of Mary floating around the halls. Some claim they've seen the spirit of a small child following close behind her. Both of them vanish as quickly as they've appeared.

Strange whispers can be heard throughout the haunted hotel, and some have experienced sudden cold chills. Some guests have even complained that items they left behind in their rooms have been moved around.

Lights have been known to come on in the middle of the night, rousing guests from their sleep.

Haunted Inns and Ghostly Getaways of Vermont

Haunted Inns and Ghostly Getaways of Vermont

By Thea Lewis

University of Vermont (Burlington, Vermont)

The University of Vermont
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  • Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

When people set off for college, they leave with the excited expectation that they're going to experience new things. Few expect to encounter old things, especially if they're long dead. But at the University of Vermont, the state's largest higher education institute, ghosts seem to be a hard thing to avoid.

First established in 1791, the growth of the school meant that parts of the surrounding area were absorbed into its campus. While it currently stands as the Counseling Center, one of the homes bought by the university was once owned by Captain John Nabb.

Staff at the college claim that Nabb makes his presence known by tipping over buckets and slamming windows and doors.

Not too far from the Counseling Center stands the Public Relations building. The former owner of this property was John E. Booth, who haunts the campus by making banging noises all throughout his house.

In the Bittersweet House—allegedly the most haunted building on-campus—students, staff, and visitors have reported fully formed apparitions. Many believe the main spirit of this building belongs to Margaret Smith, a widow who lived much of her life as a recluse until she died in the home in 1961.

One tragic haunting dates back to the suicide of a medical student in 1920. A young man—Henry—killed himself in the Converse residence hall and continues to linger as a poltergeist.

Haunted Burlington

Haunted Burlington

By Thea Lewis

Marble Mansion Inn (Fair Haven, Vermont)

The Marble Mansion Inn in Fair Haven, Vermont
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  • Photo Credit: Official Marble Mansion Inn Facebook

The Marble Mansion was built in 1876, but now functions as a charming bed and breakfast offering something a little extra. The previous owner of the home passed away in the tea room, and reportedly lingers behind to haunt the beautiful inn.

Guests who stay here have reported seeing the apparition of a man in a gray suit. Some say they awaken in the middle of the night to find him looming over the bed.

But it's not just the past owner who seems hesitant to leave. On one occasion, a local businessman was helping with some repairs in the basement when he heard footsteps. Looking up at the noise, he came face to face with a young woman.

As the area was off-limits to guests, the man asked her to leave. The woman ignored his request and walked past him into another room. As he followed after her, he found nothing but a dark and empty room.

Sometimes visitors can hear the sounds of children running around the halls, even if no children are registered as guests.

One chilling visit saw that two children visiting the inn were locked inside of a guest room, and the door refused to open even with the use of a key.

Want even more Vermont hauntings? Check out the books below!

Ghosts and Legends of Lake Champlain

Ghosts and Legends of Lake Champlain

By Thea Lewis

Green Mountain Ghosts, Ghouls & Unsolved Mysteries

Green Mountain Ghosts, Ghouls & Unsolved Mysteries

By Joseph A. Citro