3 Reasons to Crack Open the Robin Hudson Mysteries

This lady detective doesn't know the meaning of "damsel in distress."


Carrie Bradshaw meets Sherlock Holmes in author Sparkle Hayter’s Robin Hudson mysteries — a series of novels revolving around a third-rate newscaster (and her celebrity cat, Louise Bryant) as she struggles to find love and solve murders in New York City’s East Village. And while the vivacious and sexy sleuth made her debut back in 1993, Hudson still sparkles today. Here’s why:

1. She adds humor and lightness to a genre that’s typically fraught with darkness, morbidity, and gloom.

Don’t take it the wrong way; Hudson is definitely a serious sleuth, capable of solving some gritty cases. But she does it with wit and sass that one might not find from James Bond or Jason Bourne. Hayter’s created a character as funny and sharp as she is skilled in the art of espionage. This makes her endlessly likable and timelessly cool.

2. She talks about sex.

From lusty flings to S&M (and more), Hudson enjoys sex, and she’s not afraid to say it. She exudes a confidence and allure that men can’t ignore – and won’t want to, either.

3. She’s a feminist.

There’s no denying Hudson’s a strong female heroine. She’s successful and outspoken and has an unabashed love for the opposite sex (see point 2); she talks back and stands up for herself. And although she has no problem asking for help while solving a case, she’s no damsel in distress.

In a pop culture era obsessed with dark, grim mysteries, Hayter’s Robin Hudson series is a refreshing change of pace for anyone who enjoys their mysteries with an extra helping of humor and a side of romance.

Download the ebooks at What’s a Girl Gotta Do? and Whats a Girl Gotta Do?.



Courtesy of Open Road Media