Cut It out, Already! 5 Shocking Scissor Crimes

It's hard to keep your eyes open while reading these shocking scissor crimes.


Is it just us or does it seem like people are using scissors less for cutting construction paper and more for inflicting bodily harm?

Over the last six months, it feels as though criminals have been getting much more creative with their weapons of choice, which is exactly why we decided to compile this list of shocking scissor crimes.


THE CRIME: Friendly Bar Patron Survives Scissor Attack to Head

THE SHARP STORY: An innocent man was just trying to grab a drink in Mexico when a deranged fellow patron, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Armendariz, pulled a pair of scissors out of his pocket and started stabbing. Jonas Acevedo Monroy, nicknamed “The Gentleman” for his friendly demeanor, was taken to a local hospital where he was treated for a stab wound to the upper-left side of his skull. Thankfully, the assailant was arrested after initially fleeing the scene.

THE CRIME: College Student Allegedly Murders Mother and Family Chihuahuas with Scissors

THE SHARP STORY: In October 2014, while home for the weekend from college, 20-year-old Joseph Badiali allegedly went on a killing spree that resulted in the deaths of three family pets and his own mother, Rosemary. At the time of the murders, motive wasn’t clear but the student admitted to officers, “Yes, I did it… She’s gone. She’s dead.” The young man faces one count of murder in the death of his mother and multiple charges of animal cruelty.

THE CRIME: Woman Stabs Boyfriend to Death Because “He Put a Curse on Her”

THE SHARP STORY: Gifts are always welcome in a relationship, but not in the form of a curse. That’s allegedly the reason behind why 26-year-old Florida resident Amanda Lopez stabbed her boyfriend in the chest 10 times. She initially tried to stab him with a pair of shears, but a steak knife was closer. Sadly, when 57-year-old Larry Fryar was taken to a nearby hospital, he was pronounced dead and Lopez was charged with first-degree murder.

scissors_headwebX-rays of Jonas Acevedo Monroy via Europics and The New York Post

THE CRIME: Woman Allegedly Stabs Roommate to Death Because She was “Evil” and Practiced “Witchcraft”

THE SHARP STORY: Rita Narcissa Sanders-Campfield was charged with first-degree murder after police found her roommate, 67-year-old Chong Park, lying on her bedroom floor with a knife sticking out of her back. Sanders-Campfield kept a journal and one of the entries talked about how she thought Park practiced “witchcraft,” which likely triggered the murder. On December 10, 2014, Sanders-Campfield was committed to a state psychiatric facility.

THE CRIME: Wife Punishes Cheating Husband by Snipping off Penis with Scissors – Twice!

THE SHARP STORY: Love hath no fury like a woman scorned, which explains why a wife in China cut off her husband’s penis—TWICE!—after finding out he cheated on her with a 21-year-old girl. The couple have five children together; though, after the incident, we doubt the guy will be able to have any more. His young mistress is allegedly standing by her man/eunuch.


Read More:

Not-so-Happy Easter: Plush Bunny Stuffed with Meth

Teen Daughter Discovers Dead Parents in Grisly Chainsaw Murder-Suicide

Woman Fights Off Vicious Bra Attacker with Ceramic Chicken

Photos: Europics/The New York Post