6 Burning Questions We Have After Watching the New Trailer for Stranger Things Season 2

The gang is back together, but Will is still lost.

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  • Photo Credit: Netflix

After the world-wide binge of Stranger Things concluded in 2016, the first question on everyone’s mind was: Will Eleven return in the next season? Thankfully, the recently released trailer for Stranger Things season two confirms Eleven's return. Yet it left us with many more intriguing unknowns.  

The boys are back together again—but Will is still suffering from his time in the Upside Down. Everything in this trailer points to clues and questions for the season ahead. Watch the clip below, then join us for some wild speculation.

1. Could Dragon's Lair point to the central conflict of this season?

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  • Photo Credit: Netflix

Dragon’s Lair was a popular game released in 1983 in which Dirk the Daring tries to rescue Princess Daphne from a dragon, Singe, and an evil wizard, Mordroc. However, when the boys get the sword in the stone that should allow them to defeat the dragon, Dirk dies. Perhaps this means that season two will be about saving El. But it won’t go smoothly—will one of the boys be lost in their quest?

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2. Why is Will always just a little off from the rest of the gang?

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Will never seems to be quite on the same page as the rest of the gang. When they're on screen together, Will is off to a side. And more often then not, we see Lucas, Mike, and Dustin by themselves and Will with his mother. Although Will has clearly been separated from the group due to his experience in the Upside, this could mean something more sinister for the boy. Will he be the one lost for good?

3. Could Will have inherited El-like super powers?

stranger things season 2 clues

Will may have escaped the Upside Down, but something is clearly amiss. A series of shots show Will frozen in place, gazing menacingly into the distance, and—most intriguingly—propped on a gurney and covered in sensors while sinister figures watch on via security cameras. This last scene already conjures uncomfortable memories of Eleven in the clutches of Dr. Martin Brenner; that it's shot in an eerie Upside Down-like blue light makes the comparison all the more unsettling. Could Will have acquired powers like Eleven's after being in the Upside Down? 

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Fan theories from last season suggested that Eleven and the monster were connected—the monster was the dark side of Eleven’s power. But it seems that the monster is not satisfied with just El. It’s already grasped Will firmly, perhaps giving him unnatural powers to go with the visions of the Upside Down. And as Will says, it doesn’t want him anymore. It wants everyone else. 

4. Could "Thriller" means a lot more monsters are coming?

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"Thriller" isn’t just the soundtrack for this trailer. The glow-in-the-dark gravestones also reference the music video for the famous track. That leads us to thinking that the words of the song are important to the upcoming season. There won’t just be one Demogorgon anymore. “Creatures crawl in search of blood to terrorize y’all’s neighborhood”, Vincent Price’s voiceover says. Not only is the Upside Down expanding, so are the number of monsters.

Last season, fans speculated that the coming season’s monster would be the Thesselhydra, which has 8 heads—and regenerates new ones when one head is demolished. This could be a sign that they were right.

5. What's up with the parallels between Eleven and newcomer Max?

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  • Photo Credit: Netflix

A new addition to the cast of characters is Max, a young girl in Mike’s class. Her loose waves recall the styling of Eleven’s blond wig, and she is shown while Mike says that sometimes he still thinks he sees Eleven. Considering that the first episode is called Madmax, we’re willing to bet that Max has some special or strange powers of her own.

6. Eleven is back—but is she okay?

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  • Photo Credit: Netflix

Eleven returns at the end of the trailer, but she is trapped. She manages to at least get her arm into the real world at the end of the trailer. That shot is weirdly reminiscent of Alien, which the Duffer Brothers have confirmed as an influence on this season.

So is Eleven the "alien" of the season and something to be feared? Will she be the one causing havoc around Hawkins? Only time will tell.

Stranger Things season 2 will hit Netflix on October 27, 2017. You can catch up or rewatch the first season now.