Explore more of The Lineup's best in cosmic horror.


12 Powerful True Crime Books to Read After You’ve Watched The Innocence Files

These real-life stories of wrongful convictions will shake you to your core.

14 Riveting True Crime Books for Fans of Criminal

These aren’t your run-of-the-mill true crime books.

The West Memphis Three: Where Are They Now?

In 1994, three young men were convicted of a grisly murder. But then the questions began.

The Dingo’s Got My Baby: The Case of Lindy Chamberlain

During a camping trip at Ayer’s Rock, Australia, Lindy Chamberlain’s nine-week-old daughter Azaria was snatched away by wild dogs in the night. But who was really to blame?

Escaping Death: The West Memphis Three

What does it feel like to spend 18 years on death row for a crime you didn’t commit? What does it feel like to get out?