Which Tarot Card Are You Based on Your Zodiac Sign?

Your fate is sealed.

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If you've ever gotten a tarot reading, you might know that zodiac signs and their elements play a notable role. A tarot deck's Minor Arcana is comprised of 56 cards that fall within four suits—wands, cups, swords, and pentacles. Each of these suits is associated with an element, as are the zodiac signs. Wands are connected to fire, cups to water, swords to air, and pentacles to earth. So if, for example, you were to have a reading where the Queen of Cups popped up, you could expect an influence from a wise, feminine water sign in your life.

But did you know that the Major Arcana has links to the zodiac as well? Every individual zodiac sign has a tarot correspondent. Recognizing these correspondences not only helps people have a deeper understanding of themselves, but a deeper understanding of how they relate to others. It also plays a hand in deepening tarot meanings, as the interpretations of cards shift based on what surrounds them!

Are you ready to see your true self? Here's the tarot card you are based on your zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21-April 19)

The Emperor

the emporer
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Aries is a fire sign represented by the Ram. Those born under this sign are courageous and determined individuals who never shy away from a challenge. While some may see them as aggressive, at they're core they're truly just incredibly passionate individuals.

This sign's correspondent is the Emperor, a card which embodies great power—something which doesn't come easily without the drive of an Aries. The Emperor is the maker of plans, not only achieving his own goals, but helping others rise to achieve theirs as well, making him a strong and admirable leader.

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

The Hierophant

the hierophant
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Represented by the Bull, Taurus is an earth sign. People born under this sign are known for their devotion and reliability. They are known for being stubborn and uncompromising, but those words don't always have to have a negative connotation. They are hard workers who will see anything through with unwavering patience and grounded practicality.

Taurus is linked to the Hierophant, a card that represents wisdom. A pillar of resilience, the Hierophant quietly withstands all adversity. This inner strength makes them wonderful guides to the community, helping clarify identity and belonging.

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Gemini (May 21-June 21)

The Lovers

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Gemini, also known as the sign of the Twins, is an air sign. This sign is one of the most affectionate of the zodiac, and while they love picking people's brains, they can in turn be indecisive about commitment. They love to explore and despise repetition, but get them started on music or books and they'll never wind down.

Gemini's correspondent is the Lovers. This tarot pair is all about communication and collaboration. While Gemini is a sign dedicated to a dual nature, the Lovers is a card focused on uniting opposing natures. When two sides come together, wonderful things can be created.

Cancer (June 22-July 22)

The Chariot

the chariot
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Cancer is a water sign represented by the Crab. This sign is famous for their tenacity, whether that reflects in their loyalty or persuasiveness. This is perhaps the most emotional sign of the zodiac, but they don't always have the stability needed to harness their full emotional power. They can be moody and insecure, but Crabs have big hearts and want nothing more than to help the people they care about.

The Chariot represents Cancer. This card symbolizes a journey to a new stage—think of a crab on the hunt for a new shell to call home. While that may not mean actual movement, it has a concentration on mapping out the next steps. It's all about finding direction—just like a Cancer must do if they want to wrangle control of their emotions.

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Leo (July 23-August 22)


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Represented by the Lion, Leo is a fire sign. These kings and queens tend to be creatures of arrogance—though that's usually for good reason. While Leos can be self-centered and inflexible, they're also wildly creative and warm-hearted.

In tarot, Leo is represented by Strength. In the Rider-Waite deck, as seen above, the card itself depicts a figure petting a lion—signifying a union between the primal instinct and the conscious human spirit. This is a card all about raw power brought to form by confidence.

Virgo (August 23-September 22)

The Hermit

the hermit
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Virgo, also known as the sign of the Virgin, is an earth sign. Though some perceive Virgos as overly critical, they're just trying to analyze every angle of every aspect of ever situation. Practical to a fault, Virgos take on everything and refuse all chances for help or relaxation.

The tarot equivalent of Virgo is the Hermit. The Hermit is a solitary individual whose journey is intended to unearth his true purpose. Focused on the pursuit of knowledge, he sheds the superficiality the world tends to be too focused on. Introspective and authentic, he toils away to become the leader others need.

Libra (September 23-October 22)


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Libra is an air sign represented by the Scales. Concerned with diplomacy and fairness, those born under the sign of Libra seek harmony. In their drive to end injustice, Libras are known to carry a grudge against those who do them—or others—wrong.

It should come as no surprise that Libra's tarot correspondent is Justice. This card represents a truth-seeking path. When situations are at their blurriest and most complex, Justice clears the way for balance and understanding. Justice allows for a moment of reflection before making big decisions.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21)


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Represented by the Scorpion, Scorpio is a water sign. This is one of the most highly misunderstood signs in the zodiac. Though Scorpios have naturally manipulative personalities, that's not necessarily as bad as it sounds. They are resourceful individuals with the power to shape the world around them. They believe they are right, and they are brave enough to make their truth a reality.

Scorpio's tarot correspondent is Death, a card that is misinterpreted as often as they are. Above all else, Death represents change. While something may end, that ending creates nourishing compost in which something new can blossom. It's time to let go of the things that have weighed us down and transform into our next self.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21)


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Sagittarius, also known as the sign of the Archer, is a fire sign. Like an arrow soaring through the air, this sign loves their freedom. Idealistic philosophers, they have big ideas that come with big promises. Unfortunately, their impatience and neglect of the finer details sometimes means they can't always follow through.

Temperance represents Sagittarius in tarot. Like an arrow trying to find its mark, Temperance seeks a bullseye of growth. This card encourages polishing and refinement in the name of self-improvement. Once you've found your spiritual center, you will be unstoppable.

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Capricorn (December 22-January 19)

The Devil

the devil
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Capricorn is an earth sign represented by the Sea Goat. Those born under this sign are highly disciplined individuals. Rife with knowledge, they always expect the worst and remain prepared for it. They're the people you want to turn to in a crisis, but in times of rest, their constant fight-or-flight mode can cause difficulties.

In tarot, Capricorn is linked to the Devil. For Capricorn, their chains are their fears. The Devil presents the temptation to shed these burdens and open up into playfulness. This card acknowledges the shadow just over one's shoulder but reinforces the strength needed to find stability in trying times. Life and its sensual delights are meant to be enjoyed, not exhaustingly guarded.

Aquarius (January 20-February 18)

The Star

the star
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Represented by the Water Bearer, Aquarius is an air sign. This sign stands out for their bold, unwavering independence. While they might shy away from sharing their deepest emotions, those born under this sign tend to be fiercely dedicated to humanitarian efforts. 

The tarot correspondent for Aquarius is the Star. This card signifies a guiding light leading people not to a greater truth, but to a healing personal truth. The Star helps one embrace the strange beauty of their individuality. It's this uniqueness that will elevate their humanitarian efforts and lead the world into a better tomorrow.

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Pisces (February 19-March 20)

The Moon

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Pisces, also known as the sign of the Fish, is a water sign. The zodiac sign with the softest—and most fragile—hearts, the deeply emotional battles Pisces have felt have awarded them great wisdom. As the most spiritual sign in the zodiac, they have a sharp intuition that they wield to enforce compassion above all else.

Pisces is represented by the Moon in tarot. This card is all about evolution—not of the body, but of the soul. The Moon has the power of vivid, primal dreams which impart indispensable insight. The light of the Moon illuminates the subconscious wonders within you.

Featured image: Petr Sidorov/Unsplash