UPDATE: There's Finally Been an Arrest in the Case of the Shocking Delphi Murders

A man has been charged with the murders of Abby Williams and Libby German—but was he working alone?

the delphi murders
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  • Photo Credit: Indiana State Police

On February 13, 2017, 13-year-old Abigail “Abby” Williams and 14-year-old Liberty “Libby” German had a day off from school. The Indiana teens were excited they had the day off due to extra snow days built into their school calendar. The day was unseasonably warm and they were eager to get outdoors.

After Abby slept over at Libby’s house, the girls asked if they could go hiking on Delphi’s popular historic trails. They were specifically interested in the Monon High Bridge Trail, which hosted an abandoned rail bridge that was last used in 1987. The bridge is dangerous, as many of the ties are missing and the wood is rotting.

Libby’s older sister Kelsi agreed to drop them off if they could get a ride home. Another family member agreed to pick them up roughly two hours after Kelsi saw them off on the trails around 1:35pm.

A little after 2pm, Libby posted a photo of Abby on Snapchat. After that, they were never heard from again. They were reported missing at 5:30pm on the evening of February 13th, after family searched for them on their own first. No one suspected foul play at that point, and they were mostly worried about nightfall, as the girls only had sweatshirts with them.

The girls’ bodies were found the next day, February 14th, a half-mile from the Monon High Bridge. They were found by a searcher after Libby’s black Nike sneaker was spotted in the woods.

Libby German's Cellphone Evidence

Here’s where things get downright eerie. The day after the girls were found, police released a blurry photo of who they believed to be a suspect. Many thought it was from a trail camera, but people were downright shocked when they learned the photo was from Libby’s smartphone. 

A week after the photo release, authorities released audio of a male voice saying, “down the hill.” In April of 2019, authorities added a longer version of the video by one word—"guys.” The public was also able to see the man taking a few steps on the bridge.

Suspect Sketches

Two years ago, the case took a turn in relation to suspect sketches. After years of a sketch of a middle-aged man was circulated, police released a brand-new sketch of a remarkably younger looking man.

According to the Indy Star, investigators believed the newer sketch, released during a press conference in April 2019, more accurately represented the man who killed Libby and Abby.

police sketch
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  • Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

Suspects in the Delphi Murder Case

Recently, two suspicious characters came to light due to court documents released by The Murder Sheet podcast in May. The first of these shady characters was Ron Logan. Logan was the owner of the property on which the bodies of Libby and Abby were found. Upon their discovery back in 2017, Logan not only cooperated with the police, but took it upon himself to show the crime scene to reporters.

An FBI search warrant was issued for Logan's property in March of 2017, and though it's heavily redacted, it indicates that while there were no signs of struggle, the victims lost a lot of blood—blood which would have gotten all over the killer. Additionally, it reveals that the bodies were taken from the initial crime scene and staged where they were discovered. The warrant details that only two items of the girls' clothing are still missing, and that it's believed that they are being kept by the killer as souvenirs, likely along with photos and videos of the scene.

Two days after the murders of Libby and Abby, Logan expressed his surprise that a murder could happen on his property. However, the FBI was suspicious of Logan from the start. His stature matched that of the man captured in Libby's video, and his voice was similar to the audio clip. Logan apparently had a history of violence, as two of his ex-girlfriends admitted to police that he was abusive and threatened to kill them.

Logan's activity on the day of the murders doesn't cast him in an innocent light. Sometime between 11:53 a.m. and 11:58 a.m., Logan violated his probation from a drunken-driving incident in 2014 to pay a visit to the landfill. Cellphone tower data shows that Logan's phone was near the bridge trail and near the banks of Deer Creek—where the girls' bodies were found—in the afternoon. Before the bodies were found, Logan allegedly told is cousin to lie about his whereabouts, and to claim that they went to an aquarium store in Lafayette, Indiana around 2 p.m. This cousin was further instructed to say they returned to Logan’s home between 5 p.m. and 5:30 p.m. While Logan had a receipt from this store, it was time stamped for 5:21 p.m.

Logan was arrested in March of 2017 for violating his parole and subsequently released in January of 2018. He was never officially named a suspect or charged with the Delphi murders. In January of 2020, the 82-year-old died from COVID-19, leaving plenty of questions behind.

Another disturbing suspect in the case was 28-year-old Kegan Kline. Two years ago, Kline was arrested and charged on counts of child pornography and child exploitation. Authorities state that Kline has admitted to being the owner of a social media account with the handle “anthony_shots,” which he used to communicate and solicit nudes from minors.

 This account—and presumably Kline—was confirmed to have been in contact with Libby German. In fact, as one of the last people to speak with her, he discussed meeting up with her on the Monon High Bridge. Kline, however, denies any involvement in the murders, claiming that he wasn’t the only one with access to the phony social media account. He allegedly gave his password to “a lot of people.”

One of the court documents revealed by The Murder Sheet shows that Kline was temporarily moved from local custody into the hands of the Indiana State Police, who are the lead investigators in the Delphi Murders case. Just days after this, the podcast hosts spotted investigators searching the Wabash River near Peru, Indiana. While the location is roughly 40 miles from where Abby and Libby were found, it’s much closer to the family home of Kegan Kline.

It’s unclear what the officers were searching for, and while sources for The Murder Sheet claim the search is related to Kline and the Delphi murders, investigators cannot say what they were on the lookout for or what case it was in connection to.

LATEST UPDATE: An Arrest is Made At Last

Today, October 31st, five years after Abby Williams and Libby German were murdered, a press conference was called by the Indiana State Police to announce that 50-year-old Richard Allen has been arrested and charged for the crimes. Nicholas McLeland, the Carroll County prosecutor, has stated that Allen has pled not guilty and is currently being held without bond.

Though more than 2,000 days have passed since the Delphi Murders case was first opened, this arrest does not mean the work of the police is done. Some officers have delayed retirement, and it seems that postponement may continue, as McLeland has described the case as "very ongoing." The tip lines remain open, and the authorities are searching for information not just about Allen, but "any other person."

The circumstances of Allen's arrest are currently unknown, as the charging documents have been sealed by the court to protect the case's integrity. More information will surely come to light soon, as a pretrial hearing has been set for January 13th, and a trial has been set for March 20th.

A Sister Wants Justice

One would think that after the heroism of Libby in discreetly recording the man, the case would be “open and shut.” Unfortunately, “bridge guy,” as he has been named, has managed to evade police for the last five years. His voice and image have haunted Delphi and frustrated Libby and Abby’s families.

Kelsi German, Libby’s older sister, urges the public to continue to share the video, audio, and flier of the suspect. Her family and she work tirelessly to make sure as many people as possible know about the case so they can finally reach that person who knows something.

Last year HLN aired a two-night TV special “Down the Hill: The Delphi Murders,” taken from their popular podcast of the same name. 

“HLN does great work and the producers have done so much for our case,” Kelsi said. “Barbara and Drew and everyone else involved do such great work—hopefully this will lead to the tip that breaks the case.”

In addition to the TV special, podcasts have been huge for this case. Kelsi helped produce “Scene of the Crime” with Mike Morford and Gray Hughes. She also recommends HLN’s “Down the Hill” podcast as well as the Murder in My Family, Infamous Indy, The Murder Squad, The Prosecutors and Crawlspace.

“This is by no means all of the podcasts that I’ve been a part of, just some that are coming to mind at this moment,” Kelsi said. “I am forever grateful for everyone who has covered our case and helped us to keep spreading the word.”

What keeps Kelsi going is her love for her sister. She calls Libby her best friend, and she spoke about how when Libby left this world, she gave Kelsi her strength.

“Five years ago, I was terrified to give presentations in my high school speech class,” she said. “I never would have seen myself five years later talking to national TV, willingly going to classes and giving presentations on the girls or talking to random podcasters from around the world on Zoom.”

Kelsi knows this is what she has to do for Libby, so she continues to push on. She feels that Libby would do the same for her if the situation was the other way around. “She wouldn’t stop until justice was found and I won’t either,” Kelsi added.

A Support System

Kelsi even changed her major to psychology with minors in forensic science and law and society due to her experiences at CrimeCon, an annual true crime event. Originally a communications major at Ball State University, Kelsi started meeting victims and family members who were going through exactly what she was experiencing. She started creating a support system that became incredibly helpful to her.

“When I got back, I started talking to my yearbook teacher who was like a mentor to me,” Kelsi said. Kelsi told the teacher about all of the people she’d met. 

She said she’d never seen Kelsi glow when talking about yearbook or journalism as much as she did talking about helping the people she’d gotten to know at CrimeCon. 

“That is when I decided to start looking at new career paths,” Kelsi said. “I had already committed to Ball State University for journalism and finding out that they didn’t have the program I wanted was heartbreaking.”

She finished a year at BSU and then transferred to Purdue. Her goal is to use her education to help her advocate for Abby and Libby as well as other families. 

“I wish I could say that I could use my education to make sure this never happens to another family because I never want anyone to go through this pain,” Kelsi said. “Unfortunately, there will always be evil in this world.”

However, Kelsi does want everyone who is going through what she is to know that even if they don’t have as supportive law enforcement as she does or don’t know how to raise awareness about their case, there is a support system out there. 

“They have an advocate in their corner and I’m fighting for justice alongside them,” she said.

To learn more about Abby and Libby’s case, visit http://www.abbyandlibby.org/