This chilling ghost story will haunt you for days...
Known as the Ypsilanti Ripper, the Michigan murderer beat and strangled seven women between 1967 and 1969.
From Edgar Allan Poe to Elizabeth Gaskell, this collection of stories will send shivers down your spine.
You'll want to add these haunting reads to your collection.
You’ll be sleeping with one eye open after reading this ...
Though Robert Hansen admitted to murdering seventeen people, Beth van Zanten was not one of them.
In Ruth Rendell’s psychological thriller, the paths of three lost individuals converge with deadly results.
Ronald J. Dominique, dubbed the Bayou Strangler, went on a decade-long murder spree in rural Louisiana.
Most doctors are known for the lives they save. Sheppard is remembered for the life he was accused of ending.
These frightening reads will keep you up at night.
In the late 1970s, the "Vampire of Sacramento" brutally murdered six people in less than a month.
These darker tales intended for children are guaranteed to give you nightmares.
The suspicious death of Dennis Jurgens wasn’t properly investigated for 20 years.
Did Jack Barron kill his entire family to gain sympathy from others?