In Joyce Carol Oates’s thriller, a woman on the verge of psychosis turns into a serial killer when she begins a cross-country murdering spree.
These books will haunt you long after you’ve turned the final page.
The body was discovered … and then the truth was revealed.
You really never know who you can trust…
Our fascination with celebrities doesn’t end at the grave...
They thought they hit the jackpot…but it came with a terrible price.
Lock your doors all you want—there's no escaping the human mind.
These creepy reads pair well with a slice of cherry pie and a demented trip to the Black Lodge.
The semester from hell doesn’t even begin to describe it for these students.
Peek inside the mind of the man who created one of the most terrifying films of all time.
The devil is in the details…
In 1964, the Queens resident’s murder shocked the nation when it was revealed that neighbors did nothing to help the dying woman.
These chilling tales pair well with fava beans and a nice Chianti.
These sadistic killers shocked the world with their horrific crimes.
The Court of Last Resort was today’s Innocence Project.